03 September 2010

Inspiration from Starbucks

The Way I See It #198
"You can shower a child with presents or money, but what do they really mean, compared to the most valuable gift of all-our time?  Vacations and special events are nice, but so often the best moments are the spontaneous ones.  Being there.  Every moment that you spend with your child could be the one that really matters."
-Tim Russert
Host of NBC's "Meet the Press" and author of "Wisdom of our Fathers."

I have had the above posted on my fridge for probably a couple of years now, it is a quote that was written on the side of my Starbuck's cup.  Today I noticed it again and it really got me thinking…

We consider ourselves to be pretty hands-on with our kids, myself especially since I have been off for 64 weeks.[1]   However, I am wondering if the moments that I spend with my child where I am so frustrated I could flip the couch over are also the ones that really matter.  Ryann woke up from her nap yesterday in the worst mood.  She was crying and complaining for like an hour[2]  and my patience was wearing thin.  Needless to say, she was not happy with us.  I put her up in her room so she could calm down and Matt went up to talk to her.[3] 

I hate to get mad at Ryann especially because she doesn’t understand why I get frustrated when she is merely trying to “help” me bring my fork to my mouth by holding on to my fork while I try to shovel in some food between toddler and infant demands.[4]  I realize that everything she does is a reflection of things we have taught her, directly or indirectly, and that she doesn’t know any better on some things but it doesn’t make it any less frustrating when we have one of “those” days. 

So Ryann finally settled down and we got ready to go watch her Uncle Tom play J.V. football for the evening.  She was a sweetheart at the game, blowing kisses to Grandpa and Uncle Tom, and walking up and down the bleachers making friends.  Matt wondered aloud why she wasn't always that sweet with us.  I was reminded of something our friend Carl (who has high school boys) said last time he visited.  Matt mentioned that he couldn’t believe that one day Ryann was going to tell him that she hated him and Carl replied that “that is how you know you have done your job right.”  So I guess EVERY everyday moment is one that matters-because whether we are having a great time or counting down until bedtime we are still doing it together.

[1] Do you think my laundry would be all caught up by now?
[2] probably more like 15 minutes, but time passes slowly when your blood pressure is skyrocketing
[3] Time that I think would have been better spent fixing me a strong drink
[4] Yes, she really does actually hold the end of my fork and repeat “Careful mom, careful mom” the entire time I eat.

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