28 July 2010

Getting a toddler and infant out the door A.S.A.P.

Disclaimer:  The below story is based on actual events.  Anything the reader may find offensive did not happen, it was just thrown in for comedic effect.
Since I have a lot of experience in getting the kids ready and out the door in record time (I did it for the first time today) I felt that it was necessary to share what I have learned with other moms.  I had to do some running around today and had to be out the door by 10 so I figured 3 hours would be plenty of time, and planned on waking up at 7.  Here is what I learned.

7:00-alarm goes off, promptly tell Ryann to turn it off. (She sleeps with me, of course, no chance of her sleeping in her toddler bed when brother gets to sleep in the co-sleeper)[1] I start to nurse Matthew.  Fall back asleep.

9:00-Ryann asks if she can go downstairs and watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  Apparently we both fell back asleep after she stole her brother's pacifier.  Matthew still sleeping. I curse at myself for not getting up with alarm.  Carry Ryann downstairs. Put her in front of an educational book [2] with a cup of juice and an apple[3].  

9:10-Run upstairs, get her clothes, come back down, change her diaper and clothes.  Douse her hair in spray conditioner so I can get a comb through it and then tie half back in a bow.

9:20-Brush my teeth, comb my hair, get as dressed as I can minus "nice"[4] shirt.  

9:30-Call Ryann upstairs.  Let her run around upstairs while I dress, change, and nurse brother.  Forbid her from pooping until we return home because I don't have time to pack a diaper bag for her.

9:55-out the door!  

Of course, I know this was perfect circumstances-and I didn't have an unexpected poop, vomit, or meltdown to deal with (neither from the kids nor myself) so I made it out in time.  I have learned my lesson though since I got so lucky this time, and next time I have somewhere I HAVE to be I will have them sleep in their clothes.

[1] next to me in bed, but the co-sleeper is on the other side of him!
[2]  television
[3] Apple-cinnamon Nutrigrain bar
[4] maternity shirt worn over nursing tank

Tons to do today Downriver!

26 July 2010

To all you single mamas...


This weekend, Matt had to work so I decided to take the kids to Rondeau Park, Canada, where my parents have a cottage.  This was the only weekend of summer that my mom expected all seven of us kids to be able to come up so we pretty much HAD to be there!  I was able to get siblings to accompany me on the 2 hour car ride both ways, so it was nice to have another person in the car to occupy the children if necessary.

I am the only one who can feed Matthew right now because I am nursing and haven't started getting him on a bottle yet, and seemingly also the only person that Ryann wants to be with when the mood strikes (and it strikes often).  So while I had TONS of help from my family as far as feeding Ryann, changing diapers, rocking babies, etc. I still felt torn when Ryann wanted my attention and Matthew needed me too.  It was bittersweet to have her go down to the beach and play with her aunts and uncles while I stayed at the cottage and fed baby brother (not a fan of public feeding-regardless of whether the public is family).  It was especially hard knowing that while I was up at the cottage, her uncles were down at the beach doing this:

Regardless of the fact that they were endangering her life, Ryann loved going to the cottage and we even did have a chance to steal away to get an ice cream together-without baby brother.  Overall we had a great time and I am very thankful for my helpful family and even more thankful for my helpful husband who we missed this weekend.  This week the kids and I are going for 4 days.  I might need a vacation from this vacation when we get back!  I don't know how all the single moms do it, but you have my utmost respect. I might even start being nicer to my hubby so that he is inclined to stick around...

22 July 2010

Downriver Today...

A lot of fun stuff going on again today Downriver. Lemonade in the Shade should be a fun time if the weather cooperates!

14 July 2010

And then there were 4...

We welcomed Matthew Michael into the world at 8:38 p.m. on July 10.  He was 8 lbs. 1 oz. and 19 in. long.  The labor and delivery went perfectly and I am glad to say that the worst pain that I have is in my neck from sleeping in a hospital bed!  It was the perfect ending (beginning) and everything has been going well so far!  He is nursing like a champ, sleeping well, and hardly makes a peep.  Ryann was excited to become a big sister.

Once we got him home on Monday, Ryann started displaying some of the aggression that we knew may be coming.  She has started to throw things, act out*, and has had multiple time outs for not listening.  This is not typical behavior for her, and we realize that she is acting out because of the attention loss but it is FRUSTRATING nonetheless.  I am getting nervous for Matt to go back to work and to be alone with the two of them while Ryann is still acting like this.  I need some advice as to how to deal with it.  I know every child is different, but we'll try anything!

*Yesterday she climbed up on the couch behind me while I was nursing Matthew and almost fell off the back of the couch. I had to reach up with my free hand behind my head and grab her thigh to stop her from falling.  (Bear in mind I still have a really sore neck) I believe my exact words were "Matt (husband)-could you please come in here and KICK HER ASS?!" Of course, he did not come kick her ass, but he did save her life.  Again.

06 July 2010

I am not in labor...

Every phone call I have made to my parents, in-laws, or husband the past week have all started with "I'm not in labor..." because for the past 2 weeks my doctor has been telling me that it could be any day (duh) and that it will be quick.  Last Wednesday I went in and was dialated to 4 centimeters.  He said he was surprised to see me in the office and not at the hospital and that he thought for sure I would deliver 4th of July weekend.  So guess what? I didn't.

So now my pregnancy that was seemingly flying by has come to a halt because every twinge I feel makes me think that labor is starting.  I was induced due to high blood pressure and swelling with Ryann, so while I did experience going into labor, I knew when it was coming and what was happening because I had a team of nurses filling me in the entire time.

I am convinced that doctors just tell their patients toward the end that it could be "any day" so that the moms can talk themselves down off a ledge when they can barely walk, sweat when they talk, and are basically confined to the couch, kitchen, or bathroom.  We have been trying to stay busy with going around and visiting with friends and enjoying the holiday weekend-but this baby is in the back of our heads the entire time.  I am beginning to wonder if he will ever be here...and know that in a few weeks my blog title will be "I wish I would have stayed pregnant a little longer..."