30 April 2010

Is it too much to ask?

Ryann and I got ready this morning to run to the mall and get her uncle Andrew a Tiger's shirt.  She was in an especially good mood all day-cuddly and happy-and was even MORE excited that she requested to wear jeans today and I let her.

I thought she looked especially cute as we were walking to the car so I thought I would take a picture of her since it was her first time wearing flip-flops.  She was all smiles until I got the camera out.  And then this is what I got from her...

And another one for her graduation board.

29 April 2010

Mix one part Jekyll with one part Hyde...

So Ryann has been very odd these last few weeks.  On one hand she continues to be my little shadow-always doing things like me and wanting to help me whenever I am doing something.  On the other hand-I can see previews of her "terrible twos" approaching.  For example, I took her out to eat with my mother and sisters and while she is normally VERY well behaved in a restaurant, she wanted nothing to do with sitting still.  Then when we went to leave she tried to dart away from me in the parking lot.  This behavior is VERY unlike her.

We have only one more month until she is 2 years old, and only a little over 2 months until she is no longer the only child.  I am hoping she can get a reign on her temper and turn back into my sweetheart before then-but am not too encouraged!

27 April 2010


So today we are going to see my cousin and her new baby.  I went upstairs to take a shower, and per usual, Matt brought Ryann up to join me after I was finished so that she could get cleaned up too.

Once Ryann was all washed up, I let her play in the bath while I got out and went through my lotion/toothbrush/hair routine (which I have condensed down to about 5 minutes).  I get her out, slather her with lotion, brush her teeth, blowdry her hair, clean out her ears, and then she sits on top of the toilet while I go through the routine of clipping off any sharp nails and then touching up her toenail polish.  As I send her back downstairs to her dad, I catch a glimpse of my own hands and feet, which look like they have been sent through a meat grinder.  The truth is, by the time I get done doing all of her grooming, I am too tired to put a lot of effort into my own.  I will take any ideas that will help me put myself first-even it is just every so often...

26 April 2010

Sunday Funday

Yesterday Matt and I hosted a "Sunday Funday" at our house-basically just an excuse (yesterday it was the wings game) to get friends together to visit and give the kids someone their own size to pick on ;)

It was a ton of fun and we had about 20 people or so (I come from a family of 7 kids, so if even HALF of us show up it is a party).

When we host these parties, we usually tell people to bring a snack to share-Matt grilled a few hot dogs, burgers, and chicken breasts, and I made some baked beans and put out cheese and crackers.  Then my brother and his wife basically brought a burrito bar from Mexicantown, and my girlfriends and their hubbies brought hummus and some buffalo chicken dip.  As usual, way too much food-but a good time nonetheless.

What kinds of snacks do you always have on hand to feed guests-whether suprise or invited?

24 April 2010

What's good in the wood?

Please ignore my Winnie the Pooh reference-My Friends Tigger and Pooh is one of Ryann's favorites (she has even created her own dance to the hit song "You Can Do It If You Try.")

I am always looking for ideas for low-cost things to do with Ryann during the day (in the downriver area).  If any of you moms out there know of cool stuff going on-could you email me the info? downrivermom1@yahoo.com


23 April 2010

"Oh Sh_t *-Where'd Mama Go?"

So for 8 weeks I was doing a long term substitute job for a woman on maternity leave.  I think since I have been laid off for 10 months, Ryann (my daughter) has finally gotten used to me always being around-especially when she wakes up in the morning.  She has even adopted the use of one particular swear word that starts with an S.  I don't normally swear, but sometimes it squeaks out. Now I hear Ryann using this word in the exact same context that I would, but in a toddler's voice.  I am trying to ignore it and hope it goes away soon.

When I first started subbing, Matt (my husband) was laid off so he was home now with Ryann in the morning and on one of the first mornings he tried to grab her out of her crib when she woke up and put her in our bed-it was still dark but I was up and getting ready for work.  He succeeded to get her to lay down for a few minutes, and then she starts reaching around to my side of the bed.  After not being able to find me, she sits straight up and says to him "Oh sh_t-Where'd Mama go?"-which made me feel appreciated and missed.

Since my long term sub job ended, the first few mornings that she woke up she was calling for Matt- "Dada!"  "Daddy" as soon as she woke up.  This hurt my feelings because I know she wasn't used to having me around any more.  So you can imagine my heart swelled with pride this morning as I heard her in her bedroom calling "Mama!"-I went right to her bedroom to get her out of bed and said "Yes baby?"  to which she immediately responded "I poo-poo."  At least she still wants me for all of the important stuff.  :( 

Sleep Appreciation

Since I am now entering my third trimester, I am REALLY starting to enjoy any chance that I get to sleep-especially since my caffeine intake is seriously limited while pregnant. The other morning I woke up and realized that I didn't have to get up once in the middle of the night to go to the restroom (which is UNHEARD of). This instantly put me in a better mood.

I took Ryann and the neighbor to open gym yesterday-"McLunch" at Mills gymnastics. They do this every Wednesday and it is a great energy burner for the kids-they run around the gym like maniacs playing on the trampolines, etc. and then when they get home they are ready for a nap-yesterday Ryann's lasted 2 hours. I am not sure if this was from all the fun and excitement or from the races I had the kids run carrying medicine balls. Either way, it did the trick and I had two hours of quiet time to relax. As the pregnancy progresses I know those moments are going to be fewer and fewer, so I will take them how I can get them. Thank you Mills!


I am starting this blog as a way to connect to the outside world from the comforts of my own world. I am a stay at home mother of one and one on the way in July. Staying at home with my children was something I always thought I would like, but seemed like a silly thing to do since as a teacher I had a great schedule that allowed plenty of time for enjoying my family. However, due to the economy, I was laid off last summer and have been off all school year and at home with my daughter (turning 2 this May!).
This blog will create a space for me to blow off some steam as well as maybe connect with other parents in my area (Trenton, MI) that are looking for fun things to do with their kids-hopefully that don't cost an arm and a leg. Maybe I'll even make some new friends (not that there is anything wrong with the old ones). Please feel free to contact me! I look forward to getting new ideas for things to do and to build a new network of parents in the Downriver area!