14 July 2010

And then there were 4...

We welcomed Matthew Michael into the world at 8:38 p.m. on July 10.  He was 8 lbs. 1 oz. and 19 in. long.  The labor and delivery went perfectly and I am glad to say that the worst pain that I have is in my neck from sleeping in a hospital bed!  It was the perfect ending (beginning) and everything has been going well so far!  He is nursing like a champ, sleeping well, and hardly makes a peep.  Ryann was excited to become a big sister.

Once we got him home on Monday, Ryann started displaying some of the aggression that we knew may be coming.  She has started to throw things, act out*, and has had multiple time outs for not listening.  This is not typical behavior for her, and we realize that she is acting out because of the attention loss but it is FRUSTRATING nonetheless.  I am getting nervous for Matt to go back to work and to be alone with the two of them while Ryann is still acting like this.  I need some advice as to how to deal with it.  I know every child is different, but we'll try anything!

*Yesterday she climbed up on the couch behind me while I was nursing Matthew and almost fell off the back of the couch. I had to reach up with my free hand behind my head and grab her thigh to stop her from falling.  (Bear in mind I still have a really sore neck) I believe my exact words were "Matt (husband)-could you please come in here and KICK HER ASS?!" Of course, he did not come kick her ass, but he did save her life.  Again.


  1. Congratulations Meghan I hope Mathew won't affect your blogging. When you get a chance I'd like info on how you do the calendar on the site. Thanks, Mike.
    The river rat@ drdownriverrat@gmail.com

  2. Sure thing Mike, I e-mailed you. Call me if you have questions.

  3. Congratulations on baby Matthew! I didn't know you had a blog, I have been keeping mine up since I was pregnant with the triplets and love having it to look back on.
    As for the behavior issues, I don't have any great advice other than trying to do special activities with Ryann when Matthew is napping although I know that can be hard because you are probably exhausted. When I was first on my own with the kids after Sawyer I tried to let them "help" me with him as much as possible and that seemed to help a little. Good luck!

  4. Thanks Jessica, she has been pretty good about doing her version of "helping" and repeatedly telling me to "calm down" when I yell at her ;) I don't know how you took care of 2 infants at a time!
