23 April 2010

"Oh Sh_t *-Where'd Mama Go?"

So for 8 weeks I was doing a long term substitute job for a woman on maternity leave.  I think since I have been laid off for 10 months, Ryann (my daughter) has finally gotten used to me always being around-especially when she wakes up in the morning.  She has even adopted the use of one particular swear word that starts with an S.  I don't normally swear, but sometimes it squeaks out. Now I hear Ryann using this word in the exact same context that I would, but in a toddler's voice.  I am trying to ignore it and hope it goes away soon.

When I first started subbing, Matt (my husband) was laid off so he was home now with Ryann in the morning and on one of the first mornings he tried to grab her out of her crib when she woke up and put her in our bed-it was still dark but I was up and getting ready for work.  He succeeded to get her to lay down for a few minutes, and then she starts reaching around to my side of the bed.  After not being able to find me, she sits straight up and says to him "Oh sh_t-Where'd Mama go?"-which made me feel appreciated and missed.

Since my long term sub job ended, the first few mornings that she woke up she was calling for Matt- "Dada!"  "Daddy" as soon as she woke up.  This hurt my feelings because I know she wasn't used to having me around any more.  So you can imagine my heart swelled with pride this morning as I heard her in her bedroom calling "Mama!"-I went right to her bedroom to get her out of bed and said "Yes baby?"  to which she immediately responded "I poo-poo."  At least she still wants me for all of the important stuff.  :( 

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