23 April 2010

Sleep Appreciation

Since I am now entering my third trimester, I am REALLY starting to enjoy any chance that I get to sleep-especially since my caffeine intake is seriously limited while pregnant. The other morning I woke up and realized that I didn't have to get up once in the middle of the night to go to the restroom (which is UNHEARD of). This instantly put me in a better mood.

I took Ryann and the neighbor to open gym yesterday-"McLunch" at Mills gymnastics. They do this every Wednesday and it is a great energy burner for the kids-they run around the gym like maniacs playing on the trampolines, etc. and then when they get home they are ready for a nap-yesterday Ryann's lasted 2 hours. I am not sure if this was from all the fun and excitement or from the races I had the kids run carrying medicine balls. Either way, it did the trick and I had two hours of quiet time to relax. As the pregnancy progresses I know those moments are going to be fewer and fewer, so I will take them how I can get them. Thank you Mills!

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