02 August 2010

Look who got a job!

So, I was offered a job for the fall!  YAY!  Hubby and I may be able to dig ourself out of a financial hole in time for my student loans to come out of deferment!

Of course, being the worrier that I am (thanks mom) the excitement over finding employment has been replaced with panic over what I will do with my children.  I estimate that I will probably have to start doing things for work in about 2-3 weeks, when Matthew will be about 5-6 weeks old.  UGH.

I had great childcare for Ryann-my best friend's sister watched her and I knew I was leaving her in good hands.  However, Ryann was over 4 months old when she started with daycare.  I felt she was on a good schedule and would benefit from being around other babies (one of which is her bff).  Matthew is going to be such a little little thing, and I can't imagine the stress that will be involved with having a new job, getting up way earlier than usual, and getting two children dressed and out the door.  So for the next 2-3 weeks I am on a mission:  get someone to watch the kids at our house every day until December.

Now, financially, in-home day care is not a cheap option.  (At least, having them come to your house) but I have a secret weapon:  THREE retired grandparents.  If I can get them to come 2-3 days a week, then I only have to pay someone 2-3 days a week and I can pay a little extra to make it worth their while (and hopefully entice them away from watching Lifetime while the kids are propped up next to them in dirty diapers chewing on burp rags).

I am wondering, besides paying a little more (and a kick-butt teacher schedule), what other benefits can you offer someone that comes to your house to watch your children?


  1. While the kids are napping, access to internet would be helpful if the babysitter is a student. You could use parental controls to time the amount of internet usage so you could guarantee it isn't taking attention away from the kids when they are awake. I'm a student so I would appreciate this if I were babysitting.

  2. I have no problem with babysitters on the computer during naptime! Especially students that have homework to do!

  3. Could you entice someone by using your home as a daycare. If there are other kids that Ryann knows in the neighbour that need care they could make more money off the parents around you and Ryann gets to play with her friends all day.


  4. ahem...you forgot a sister who is willing to take at LEAST 1 day with her niece and nephew...
