11 June 2010

Engaging Panic Sequence

So, I still have 5 weeks until my due date.  However, as I was telling Matt, I am pretty sure that after this week if baby wants to come, baby is coming, and we better be ready.  There are a few things that I need to accomplish before then.

1.  Pack for hospital
2.  Pack bag for Ryann (she's already lined up to be dropped off at my parents' house when it is go time)
3.  Finish getting nursery ready (out with the pink, in with the blue)
4.  Buy some diapers for new baby
5.  Assemble Ryann's new bedroom furniture

1.  Reorganize and deep clean entire house
2.  Potty train 2 year old
3.  Make 2 months worth of healthy meals that I can stick in the freezer and cook as necessary

Looking at the list, I think I will for SURE accomplish #1 on the must do.  I can already see myself talked out of everything else.  I think a good thing to do when you have a "to-do" list, is to put a bunch of "fluff" things on it so that at the end of the day it looks like you got more accomplished.  For example-here is today's "before" list:

1.  Assemble Ryann's new dresser
2.  Continue working on laundry pile
3.  Stamp and send thank you cards for Ryann's birthday

Knowing that I will most likely not complete THIS list, I add a few fillers and cross them out as they are accomplished:

1.  Assemble Ryann's new dresser
2.  Take a shower
3.  Continue working on laundry pile
4.  Finish off pasta salad before it goes bad
5.  Send birthday wishes to Facebook friends celebrating a birthday today 
6.  Stamp and send thank you cards for Ryann's birthday
7.  Make sure that I am still high scorer on BEJEWELED BLITZ
8.  Post on Cold Coffee Blog

See how the second list makes it look like I got way more accomplished?  Its all about perception.  Now if you will excuse me, I have some pasta salad to attend to.

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