30 June 2010

When my kid is "that kid"...

One thing I love about other moms is their ability to turn off attention to any kid but their own.  Case in point, today, I went to Flat Rock Library to take part in their toddler story time which is on Wednesdays at 10:15.

Ryann was excited, though she didn't know what to expect. She just knew that there would be other kids there.

Of course, the other kids had all been there before. Ryann had never been to anything like it.  As the other kids sat on the floor patiently waiting as the leader transitioned from one activity to another (singing, dancing, reading, etc.) Ryann stood in front of me going crazy with anticipation waiting to see what they would do next.  Ryann was not the youngest kid there either by any means. The age range is from 1-2, and I would guess the majority of the kids were closer to 12-18 months.

While the leader read a pop-up book on farm animals, Ryann yelled out every name of every animal along with their accompanying sound.  Which she got correct, except for the horse that she called a cow (we'll be practicing that over and over tonight).

When they got out the parachute for the kids to sit underneath while the parents waved it, Ryann insisted on standing.

When the kids sat on top of the parachute so the parents could pull them around, Ryann refused to get on.  Until she saw what we were doing.  Then she insisted everyone stop to let her on the parachute.

Regardless, not a single parent/grandparent/caretaker ever batted an eye at her or gave me an evil glare.  The nice part about being around other parents is that they understand that your little angel is not always going to act appropriately and that you have limited control over their actions at any given time.  While Ryann was a little distracting, she wasn't being mean to any kids or ruining their time.  She was just excited and couldn't sit still.  I appreciate all the adults (and kids) in the group today that didn't hold that against her.  Now if only the general public would follow suit.  A little understanding goes a long way.  I'll try to remember that when somebody else has their turn to have "that kid."

Ryann at Flat Rock Community Park before Toddler Time.  Can you tell she's excited?


  1. I know that my kid was "that kid" upon occasion. Anyone who says that theirs has not is in the grip of selective amnesia!

  2. I love that "selective amnesia"-never heard it before but will definitely use it ;) Thanks!
